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Caring for Our Community With Storm Debris Removal

Even the most common weather occurrences can have a significant impact on our community. Ice, wind, rain, sleet, and snow often leave a slew of damage and debris in their path. These situations are not only unpleasant to leave sitting around a residential or commercial property, they can pose a huge safety hazard to anyone in the vicinity. It is crucial to have a team of experts on your side after any type of storm in South Georgia. The professionals at Neel and Sons Tree Service South Georgia are proud to be a shoulder to lean on during these stressful situations. We provide extensive storm damage clean-up and removal services you can count on.

fallen tree in the front yard

Leave the Dangerous Aftermath to the Experts

As is the case with all of our services, safety is our number one concern when it comes to our storm debris removal process. Every member of our team is highly trained and experienced in dealing with the unpredictable mess that storms leave behind. We recommend that you call us as soon as possible when you notice that damage has taken place. No matter the time of day or night, we’ll send a team member out to evaluate the situation and determine any safety hazards that may be presented by the situation. We have experience dealing with the following types of storm damage, among many others:

  • Broken limbs and branches
  • Split tree trunks
  • Damaged tree bark
  • Fallen trees
  • Scattered foliage, trash, or other items
  • Damaged property

Proud to Provide Relief During a Stressful Time

We know that the aftermath of a storm can be a stressful time for anyone affected by property damage. Mother nature can be unpredictable and leave families feeling helpless, even with minor cases of damage. We are here to support you through recovery and make the clean-up process as simple as possible. With our industry-leading tools and technology combined with our passion for serving our community, you can trust us to take care of your family’s property. If you’re in need of any amount of storm debris removal, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would be happy to provide a free quote or lend an immediate helping hand.

Call Us Now to Speak With Our Tree Experts